Aloha all,
I'm drafting and haven't been able to get
ob-forth.el to recognize a working GForth in Spacemacs. I get
"Symbol's function definition is void: forth-proc" when I evaluate
a Forth source block.
In ob-forth.el there is this: (declare-function forth-proc
"ext:gforth" ())
My hunch is that the ext: part of ext:gforth expects that
forth-mode is setup to use the forth-mode distributed with GForth.
Spacemacs appears to use forth-mode from Elpa, instead, and I find
forth-mode.el in the elpa subdirectory of my Spacemacs.
I don't program in Forth and given my limited grasp of elisp, I
don't look forward to debugging this just to draft some
documentation, so I'd like to ask for help.
Have I diagnosed the problem correctly?
If so, could ob-forth.el be patched to enable all Emacs
users--plain, Spacemacs, Doom, Prelude, Scimax, etc.--to evaluate
Forth code blocks? Or, should ob-doc-forth give instructions how
to setup forth-mode to use the one distributed with GForth?
What is the best way forward here?
All the best,
Thomas S. Dye