Aloha Ihor,

Ihor Radchenko <> writes:

"Thomas S. Dye" <> writes:

My hunch is that the ext: part of ext:gforth expects that forth-mode is setup to use the forth-mode distributed with GForth.

Yes. Our policy is to support the official distribution when
possible. Supporting non-standard packages is optional.

Spacemacs appears to use forth-mode from Elpa, instead, and I find forth-mode.el in the elpa subdirectory of my Spacemacs.

I would be surprised if such a name clash happened on ELPA. Indeed, it does not. There is no such package on ELPA. Nonstandard forth-mode that
overrides the official gforth distribution is on MELPA:

Overriding the namespace is a bug. It must be fixed on side.

If so, could ob-forth.el be patched to enable all Emacs users--plain, Spacemacs, Doom, Prelude, Scimax, etc.--to evaluate Forth code blocks? Or, should ob-doc-forth give instructions how to setup forth-mode to use the one distributed with GForth?

What is the best way forward here?

forth-mode from MELPA is grabbing the official namespace.
This problem has been reported in but was not acted

Eight years ago!

It is honestly not our job to fix such things. I suggest emphasizing
that ob-forth expects forth-mode distributed officially.

OK, will do.

ob-forth broken with Spacemacs/Doom/etc is a problem of
Spacemacs/Doom/etc. Distributing a package does not follow the basic
lisp conventions is not nice.

Agreed.  Thanks for tracking this down.

I'll get rid of my Spacemacs Forth support and set it up manually instead.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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