On Sat, Dec 21 2024, Max Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 21/12/2024 01:51, Leo Butler wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 20 2024, Nikolaos Chatzikonstantinou wrote:
>>> Do you want mathjax when viewing the readme file?
>> Yes. The only documentation I have seen refers to markdown.
>> On a hunch, I changed all the math delimiters in my README.org to $ and
>> $$ and that worked. But, I would prefer to use the math delimiters \(\)
>> and \[\] and have that work.
> I suggest to be realistic and to adjust your expectations. There have 
> been no commits to <https://github.com/wallyqs/org-ruby> last years and 
> GitHub does not use the latest release.
> Use a kind of Pidgin Org that is compatible with both org-ruby and 
> Emacs. If GitHub renders $...$ and $$...$$ then use it, despite they are 
> going to be deprecated in Org.

Thanks for the explanation and suggestions.

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