On 21/12/2024 01:51, Leo Butler wrote:
On Fri, Dec 20 2024, Nikolaos Chatzikonstantinou wrote:

Do you want mathjax when viewing the readme file?

Yes. The only documentation I have seen refers to markdown.

On a hunch, I changed all the math delimiters in my README.org to $ and
$$ and that worked. But, I would prefer to use the math delimiters \(\)
and \[\] and have that work.

I suggest to be realistic and to adjust your expectations. There have been no commits to <https://github.com/wallyqs/org-ruby> last years and GitHub does not use the latest release.

Use a kind of Pidgin Org that is compatible with both org-ruby and Emacs. If GitHub renders $...$ and $$...$$ then use it, despite they are going to be deprecated in Org.


You may try to file a bug against <https://github.com/github/markup/> or some other project that really contains MathJax config to extend the list of supported math delimiters for Org files.

If github is broken it is on their end, they don't have the best
coverage of org features.

GitHub and GitLab just use org-ruby gem, they do not develop it.

org-ruby is more close to regexps used for fontlock than to org-element.el parser used for export. There are a lot of Org features that are not recognized by org-ruby. In particular, org-ruby is unaware of math (TeX) at all, it is just semi-transparent for this kind of constructs.

And finally, GitHub performs security audit before update of deployed gem version. Likely they will be reluctant to do it frequently pulling changes from a fork.

On Fri, Dec 20, 2024, 12:26 PM Leo Butler wrote:

The best that I could find was a bug report by karthink [fn:1] that
refers to following instructions on a wiki. But, I can't find that wiki
[fn:1] https://github.com/gollum/gollum/issues/1588

See the description of the project and its wiki. As to specific superscript issues, add

#+options: ^:nil

as a workaround.

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