Samuel Wales <> writes:

> thanks for interest.
> the transient menu i am trying uses more character columns and
> lines than window (c-u m-x gptel-send).  transient's solution
> does not work well for me.

Just to be 100% clear, existing Org menus will not disappear any time
soon. Even if we change menus to transient, I will make sure to leave a
customization to switch back.

New menus will probably use transient/other external menu UI though.

As for your response, I will provide some comments, but I also suggest
you to send a bug report to Emacs, so that Jonas has a chance to pay
close attention.

> 1) wrapping
>    - 3 text columns.  rightmost text column (header: "Response
>      to") has lines that wrap at rhs (not word) to lhs (not
>      beginning of that text column), putting lines between items
>      in first text column.
>    - (for clarity: by rhs and lhs, i mean where text goes, at
>      smallest usable font, maximized gui frame, no wm
>      decoration, one window in frame, 2 fringes)
>    - BEST SOLUTION FOR ME: wrap at word boundaries, /within each
>      text column/, as is done when one exports org tables to
>      html

In other words, you need visual-line-mode inside transient buffers. Do I
understand correctly?

> 2) vertical scrolling
>    - BEST SOLUTION FOR ME: SPC DEL, as is done in org export
>      menu
>      - in transient, SPC and DEL make echo area say ? for help.
>        ? makes the message go away but nothing else changes.
>        another ?  brings up the help for function gptel-send.
>        i'd want scrolling.
>      - transient is vertically scrollable using up down arrows
>        and c-v m-v, but those are harder on rsi and harder to
>        locate on my kb than SPC DEL

I think you can bind SPC and DEL in `transient-base-map' to make things
easier for you. I agree that SPC/DEL doing scrolling are expected from a

>    - i did not notice that there are lines below window.  if
>      there isn't an indicator, BEST LOCATION FOR ME: left fringe
>      in cases where fringe exists.

How do you usually know it?

On my side, there is an indication after I customized
(setq-default indicate-buffer-boundaries 'left)

> 3) transient does not allow changing font size with
>    text-scale-increase/decrease (but a smaller font would not be
>    legible)

This sounds like an omission. Again, you can use `transient-base-map' to
work around, but it is better to be discussed as a dedicated bug report.

> some current org menus, although REALLY GOOD, have possibly
> regressed in recent years.  in any case, for example, export is
> scrollable; todo kw is not, so i cannot access some todo kw.

AFAIU, org-fast-todo-selection interface was never scrollable. At least,
it looks like it was the case 17 years ago. May I know more details
about which exact menu you are talking about and when did scroll stopped
working? I may be missing something.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
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