thanks for interest. the transient menu i am trying uses more character columns and lines than window (c-u m-x gptel-send). transient's solution does not work well for me.
1) wrapping - 3 text columns. rightmost text column (header: "Response to") has lines that wrap at rhs (not word) to lhs (not beginning of that text column), putting lines between items in first text column. - (for clarity: by rhs and lhs, i mean where text goes, at smallest usable font, maximized gui frame, no wm decoration, one window in frame, 2 fringes) - BEST SOLUTION FOR ME: wrap at word boundaries, /within each text column/, as is done when one exports org tables to html 2) vertical scrolling - BEST SOLUTION FOR ME: SPC DEL, as is done in org export menu - in transient, SPC and DEL make echo area say ? for help. ? makes the message go away but nothing else changes. another ? brings up the help for function gptel-send. i'd want scrolling. - transient is vertically scrollable using up down arrows and c-v m-v, but those are harder on rsi and harder to locate on my kb than SPC DEL - i did not notice that there are lines below window. if there isn't an indicator, BEST LOCATION FOR ME: left fringe in cases where fringe exists. 3) transient does not allow changing font size with text-scale-increase/decrease (but a smaller font would not be legible) - transient: - Archive: gnu - Version: 0.8.1 - dependency issue before explicitly installing this version. - emacs 29.4 - org 9.7.16 - gptel ~/.emacs.d/elpa/gptel- 20241115.83706 some current org menus, although REALLY GOOD, have possibly regressed in recent years. in any case, for example, export is scrollable; todo kw is not, so i cannot access some todo kw. i put a lot of effort into this response, hope it makes sense. [p.s. attempting re-send as reply to all as my first response went to ihor only. i hope this is not too jarring as a top post and sent to all recipients. idk which recipients are included 1] because others included them easrlier in the thread/conversation vs. 2] because they are not on the emacs devel list or the org list an want copies.] [p.p.s. this webmail ui drives me nuts and some solecisms are due to it being inaccessible [e.g. no compose button showing, not clear how to change subject header.] > On Mon, Dec 16, 2024 at 10:52 AM Ihor Radchenko <> wrote: > > > > Samuel Wales <> writes: > > > > > a couple of quick and somewhat obvious comments. i use VERY large > > > fonts with a maximized gui emacs [vt / maximized urxvt when needed], > > > still resulting in, throughout emacs, often, a smaller number of > > > screen lines or columns than content, even with my usual one window > > > per frame. most org menus respect this and can be scrolled or > > > tweaked. just wanted compatibility to be in the specs. especially, > > > to make sure no functionality is unreachable, but also where possible > > > to modify column numbers / fill to look ok. i am slowly trying > > > transient in gptel and still getting used to it. > > > > Thanks for the important input! > > Does transient look fine on your screen? If yes, we should not have a > > problem. > > > > -- > > Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, > > Org mode maintainer, > > Learn more about Org mode at <>. > > Support Org development at <>, > > or support my work at <> > > > > -- > The Kafka Pandemic > > A blog about science, health, human rights, and misopathy: > -- The Kafka Pandemic A blog about science, health, human rights, and misopathy: