Panayotis Manganaris <> writes: > Menus should of course be useful without embark. If the goal here is to > deprecate many of org's ad-hoc interfaces, I think the natural default > replacement for most is completing-read. I may be completely wrong.
For the existing interfaces, we are not going to change things in incompatible ways. The idea is to keep the existing menus working as similarly as possible compared to the current ad-hoc menus. So, no, we are not going to replace things with completing-read. Not by default. But what I hope to see is a way for users to customize the UI to their preference. Without touching the defaults. > On the other hand, e.g. if the org export dispatch menu isn't transient, > it should be. Seems obvious to me. Yes. That's where we will have to use transient. This discussion mostly concerns simpler cases when user needs to choose from a list. -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode maintainer, Learn more about Org mode at <>. Support Org development at <>, or support my work at <>