On Mon, Dec 09 2024, Leo Butler <leo.but...@umanitoba.ca> wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 08 2024, Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> wrote:
>> Benjamin McMillan <mcmilla...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> This outputs
>>> #+RESULTS:
>>> | (linenum:0, |
>>> |           4 |
>>> I suppose the issue is the "linenum:0". In fact, running any of the test
>>> src blocks does that, e.g.
>>> #+begin_src maxima :results verbatim :batch batch
>>> (assume(z>0),
>>> integrate(exp(-t)*t^z, t, 0, inf));
>>> #+end_src
>>> #+RESULTS:
>>> #+begin_example
>>> (linenum:0,
>>> (assume(z > 0),integrate(exp(-t)*t^z,t,0,inf))
>>>                                  gamma(z + 1)
>>> #+end_example
>>> This does not match the (should (equal ...)) in test-ob-maxima.el
>>> I don't know maxima, and haven't made any explicit modifications regards
>>> it, so I don't know why my setup would be outputting linenum:0

When you execute your source code block, ob-maxima prints the shell
command as a message. Could you copy that shell command from *Messages*
and send it, along with the batch file that ob-maxima creates?


>> Setting linenum was introduced in
>> https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87jzsrai3x.fsf@localhost/
>> It clearly does not affect Linux, but Maxima on MacOS appears to have
>> slightly different behavior.
>> I am CCing the author of the original patch that introduced this setting.
>> Leo, maybe you have some insight?
>> Unless we can do something to solve the problem on Mac, I am tentatively
>> inclined to revert the linenum part of the patch, so that ob-maxima is
>> not broken on MacOS.
> Benjamin,
> Could you include the output of
> #+begin_src maxima :results verbatim
> build_info();
> #+end_src
> , please? I think the bug is in the Mac build of Maxima, but I need more
> information to figure it out.
> Best,
> Leo

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