Bruno Barbier <> writes:

> The HTML fontification is launching REPLs, and *may* prompts
> for the implementation to use.  I'm able to work around this with this
> setting:
>   (setq geiser-mode-auto-p nil)
> I'm not sure what the real solution should be though.

Thanks a lot for the workaround!  It works like a charm.

After pinpointing the issue to having htmlize installed, I've been
digging a bit and it seems that the `org-html-fontify-code' function in
`ox-html` triggers the prompt.  It creates a temporary buffer with the
code and enables the corresponding language mode:

    ;; Switch to language-specific mode.
    (funcall lang-mode)
    (insert code)

So, it makes sense to set `geiser-mode-auto-p' to nil in order to avoid
being prompted for the specific Scheme implementation.

Maybe, we could have an alist that associates a language to some kind of
"setup" function.  For instance, in the case of Scheme, it would read
the `:scheme' argument and set the geiser implementation.  However, I'm
not sure if it is worth it.  Also, I'm not familiar with the code base
of org-mode, so bear with me. Probably, what I'm proposing does not make
sense or is not the optimal solution.

What do you think?

In any case, thanks a lot for your help!


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