Thanks for your comments!

Ihor Radchenko <> writes:

> [...]
> Several comments:
> 1. Nitpick: siblings's (it is current Emacs grammar convention in the
> manuals)


> 2. Please add some examples with illustration. Now, this description
>    feels too dense

Having written International technical standards for 20 years, I
consider this flattery. ;-))

Example included.

>> --- a/etc/ORG-NEWS
>> +++ b/etc/ORG-NEWS
> No need. This change is not introducing anything new feature-wise.
> [...]


Fingers crossed,


>From d9e467207f333fd925bd9090228808da54205280 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Adolf <>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 18:29:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] doc/ better explain columnview column summary

* doc/ (Column attributes): Shed more words on how
summary types for columnview columns work, which property values are
taken into account, and which property values get updated in the
buffer under what circumstances.
 doc/ | 211 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 207 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 6cf51ebca..97ae0867c 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -5734,10 +5734,8 @@ optional.  The individual parts have the following meaning:
 - {{{var(SUMMARY-TYPE)}}} ::
-  The summary type.  If specified, the column values for parent nodes
-  are computed from the children[fn:: If more than one summary type
-  applies to the same property, the parent values are computed
-  according to the first of them.].
+  The summary type.  If specified, the column and property values for
+  ancestor nodes are computed from their descendants.
   Supported summary types are:
@@ -5810,6 +5808,211 @@ children have been checked.  The =CLOCKSUM= and =CLOCKSUM_T= columns
 are special, they list the sums of CLOCK intervals in the subtree,
 either for all clocks or just for today.
+When using summary types for non-special properties like the
+=Time_Estimate= column in the example, the collection of data for the
+summary in each subtree within scope will start at the furthest
+descendant nodes which have the respective property.  When any of
+their sibling nodes also have the property in question, all the
+siblings's values of the property are used to compute the summary
+result according to the summary type specified.  Then the closest
+ancestor node which also has the respective property is located, and
+the buffer is modified as the value of that node's property is updated
+with the summary result of its descendant nodes.  This process is
+repeated starting from each updated node, until the top of each
+subtree has been reached, and all branches of the subtree have been
+traversed.  Since the property values of ancestor nodes get updated in
+this process, only the furthest descendant nodes which have the
+respective property along each subtree axis will contribute to the
+summary results.
+When a non-special property appears more than once in a columns
+definition, and with different summary type specifications (including
+with none), the values of that property present on any ancestor nodes
+will be updated according to the summary type specification (if any)
+of the first instance of the property in the columns definition.
+Hence, when the first occurrence of a property in a columns definition
+has no summary type specification, the property values of ancestor
+nodes will not be updated.
+When using summary types with columns for the special properties
+=CLOCKSUM= and =CLOCKSUM_T=, the summary process will be different.
+First, as these are special properties that are not stored in property
+drawers, no updates will be made to any nodes involved.  Secondly, the
+summary value will be computed not just from the furthest descendant
+nodes, but from the special property values of all nodes in a subtree.
+The following example illustrates how special, and non-special
+properties contribute to the summary results, and how the property
+values of the headlines get updated.  Consider the following buffer
+contents (the =#+BEGIN= must be on a single line, and is wrapped here
+for readability only):
+,#+BEGIN: columnview :indent t :format "%ITEM(Task) \
+          %EFFORT(Estimated Total){:} %EFFORT(Estimated) \
+          %CLOCKSUM(Clocked Total){:} %CLOCKSUM(Clocked)" :id global
+,* Task 1
+:EFFORT:   2d
+CLOCK:  => 48:00
+,** Task 1.1
+:EFFORT:   2d
+,*** Task 1.1.1
+:EFFORT:   3d
+CLOCK:  => 72:00
+,*** Task 1.1.2
+:EFFORT:   4d
+CLOCK:  => 96:00
+,** Task 1.2
+:EFFORT:   4d
+CLOCK:  => 96:00
+When the colmnview dynamic block is now updated by {{{kbd(C-c C-c)}}}
+or {{{kbd(C-c C-x C-u)}}} (~org-dblock-update~) with the cursor
+somewhere on the =#+BEGIN= line, the buffer contents shown below will
+result.  Note how the values of the =EFFORT= property of =Task 1= and
+=Task 1.1= were updated to eleven days, and to seven days
+respectively.  Note also, how the =CLOCKSUM= of thirteen days for
+=Task 1= includes the two days which were clocked on the headline
+itself.  Comparing the two estimated, and the two clocksum columns
+with each other in the table shows how the first summary type
+specification determines the summary calculation for a given property.
+,#+BEGIN: columnview :indent t :format "%ITEM(Task) \
+          %EFFORT(Estimated Total){:} %EFFORT(Estimated) \
+          %CLOCKSUM(Clocked Total){:} %CLOCKSUM(Clocked)" :id global
+| Task             | Estimated Total | Estimated | Clocked Total | Clocked  |
+| Task 1           |        11d 0:00 |  11d 0:00 | 13d 0:00      | 13d 0:00 |
+| \_  Task 1.1     |         7d 0:00 |   7d 0:00 | 7d 0:00       | 7d 0:00  |
+| \_    Task 1.1.1 |              3d |        3d | 3d 0:00       | 3d 0:00  |
+| \_    Task 1.1.2 |              4d |        4d | 4d 0:00       | 4d 0:00  |
+| \_  Task 1.2     |              4d |        4d | 4d 0:00       | 4d 0:00  |
+,* Task 1
+:EFFORT:   11d 0:00
+CLOCK:  => 48:00
+,** Task 1.1
+:EFFORT:   7d 0:00
+,*** Task 1.1.1
+:EFFORT:   3d
+CLOCK:  => 72:00
+,*** Task 1.1.2
+:EFFORT:   4d
+        CLOCK:  => 96:00
+,** Task 1.2
+:EFFORT:   4d
+CLOCK:  => 96:00
+Starting again from the same initial example buffer content, but with
+a modified =#+BEGIN= line that swaps the order of the two estimated,
+and the two clocksum columns, the result of updating the columnview
+dynamic block will be as shown below.  Note the different results in
+the estimated column without a summary type.  Also note that the
+=EFFORT= properties of the =Task 1= and =Task 1.1= headlines were not
+updated in this case, because the first column specification for the
+=EFFORT= property has no summary type.
+,#+BEGIN: columnview :indent t :format "%ITEM(Task) \
+          %EFFORT(Estimated) %EFFORT(Estimated Total){:} \
+          %CLOCKSUM(Clocked) %CLOCKSUM(Clocked Total){:}" :id global
+| Task             | Estimated | Estimated Total | Clocked  | Clocked Total |
+| Task 1           |        2d |        11d 0:00 | 13d 0:00 | 13d 0:00      |
+| \_  Task 1.1     |        2d |         7d 0:00 | 7d 0:00  | 7d 0:00       |
+| \_    Task 1.1.1 |        3d |              3d | 3d 0:00  | 3d 0:00       |
+| \_    Task 1.1.2 |        4d |              4d | 4d 0:00  | 4d 0:00       |
+| \_  Task 1.2     |        4d |              4d | 4d 0:00  | 4d 0:00       |
+,* Task 1
+:EFFORT:   2d
+CLOCK:  => 48:00
+,** Task 1.1
+:EFFORT:   2d
+,*** Task 1.1.1
+:EFFORT:   3d
+CLOCK:  => 72:00
+,*** Task 1.1.2
+:EFFORT:   4d
+CLOCK:  => 96:00
+,** Task 1.2
+:EFFORT:   4d
+CLOCK:  => 96:00
 *** Using column view
 :DESCRIPTION: How to create and use column view.
2.39.3 (Apple Git-146)

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