Hello Ihor, Many thanks for your swift response.
Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes: > Alexander Adolf via "General discussions about Org-mode." > <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org> writes: > >> I'm using Org 9.7.9, and I'm seeing behaviour of the (undocumented?) >> "%Effort" vs. "%Effort{:}" in the column view dblock, which confuses me. > > The manual says: > > SUMMARY-TYPE > The summary type. If specified, the column values for parent nodes > are computed from the children(1). The manual leaves it to the reader to figure out how the computation happens. Nor does it mention that different column types do use different computations, nor where to find information about the computation applied by each column. Btw, on the same manual page you are quoting, there is the following footnote: ---------------------------- Begin Quote ----------------------------- (54) If more than one summary type applies to the same property, the parent values are computed according to the first of them. ----------------------------- End Quote ------------------------------ At least for EFFORT, this seems ambiguous. I can have :format "%EFFORT %EFFORT{:}" and both columns are present, and computed differently, whereas the footnote can easily be read as hinting to the opposite. In fact, the footnote is correct for all time format properties _except_ EFFORT. > In other words, Org mode computes the value of the property for your > Task 1, from Task 1.1, and Task 1.2. Whatever is inside Task 1 does not > matter. This is true for EFFORT, and all other time format (real) property columns, but not for CLOCKSUM columns. > In fact, it might be overwritten in some cases. That's true. The manual refrains from both, mentioning this fact, and from explaining in which cases overwriting happens, however. I can understand that there are - more or less - subtle differences, as more columns were added over time, each with a different use-case in mind. In hindsight, some use-cases may seem regrettably narrow, but that's were we are; it's history. What has added to my perceived need of help, prompting me to start this thread, is that the manual is extremely tight lips in this area. It would thus seem helpful to readers (hope not just myself), if the "column attributes" section (the one with the SUMMARY-TYPE definition you quoted) could be extended: - With a new paragraph or two at the very end explaining how the normal ("%Property"), and colon summations ("%Property{:}") of time format properties are done, and what gets overwritten when. The section now ends with an example containing such a column, so the explanation would fit nicely there, IMHO. - Right after that, with another new paragraph explaining how the summation for CLOCKSUM and CLOCKSUM_T is done in contrast, and mentioning that nothing is ever overwritten for these. - The section should also mention that the footnote # 54, which I quoted above, does not apply to the (special-ish) EFFORT property. Many thanks and looking forward to your thoughts, --alexander