With org-log-into-drawer set to t any notes that are taken with
org-add-note go into a LOGBOOK drawer, but this also removes the
spell-checking provided by Flyspell.

It seems intentional to prevent checking the LOGBOOK (or equivalent)
when the value of org-log-into-drawer is non-nil:

  ;; Ignore checks in LOGBOOK (or equivalent) drawer.
  ((let ((log (org-log-into-drawer)))
     (and log
          (let ((drawer (org-element-lineage element 'drawer)))
            (and drawer
                  log (org-element-property :drawer-name drawer))))))

...but why should the location of the note matter to the spell-checker?

Is there any way to re-enable spell-checking of the notes without adding
advice to org-mode-flyspell-verify to hijack the result?


Morgan Willcock

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