
Am Donnerstag, den 11. Juli 2024 um 12:35:21 Uhr (+0000) schrieb Ihor Radchenko:
> > ok, that's what you mean. I can do this, but don't you think it'd be
> > more consistent with the general layout of ox, if org-export-as uses a
> > callback function to call on each generated string with the filename
> > as argument and we agree on names for multipage file output which have
> > to get implemented by multipage backends?
> This sounds like some kind of extension to :filter-final-output.
> I think it should also be an ok option.

:filter-final-output functions could be used, but the name is a bit
misleading. Therefore I'd suggest to extend the
org-export-filters-alist with :export-final-output which only gets
called if non-nil. Otherwise org-export-as will return a single string
as before, so we don't break anything.

In the multipage case we still need a hook to split the parse tree
before transcoding. The place for this should probably be in
org-export--annotate-info. I don't see any mechanism/alist function to
use so I would suggest to add an option :multipage-process-hook to

In addition the backend will set a :multipage option at the beginning
of the export, when exporting to multipage.

I will go ahead and implement a proposal. Let me know if something
sounds bad/unreasonable.


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