Orm Finnendahl <orm.finnend...@selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de> writes:

> If org-export-as returns just one string, then it will reparse the
> parse tree each time it needs to generate an output string. But as you
> say below, you rather think org-export-as returns a list of strings
> for the multipage case.

Got it now.

>> What I have in mind is that `org-export-as' will return a list of
>> strings + INFO. INFO will contain data about which files to use for
>> saving the strings. Then, the caller does the saving and whatever is
>> necessary. If we write to files from `org-export-as' it will be a
>> massive breaking change in the expected behavior.
> ok, that's what you mean. I can do this, but don't you think it'd be
> more consistent with the general layout of ox, if org-export-as uses a
> callback function to call on each generated string with the filename
> as argument nad we agree on names for multipage file output which have
> to get implemented by multipage backends?

This sounds like some kind of extension to :filter-final-output.
I think it should also be an ok option.

> Whatever, both ways will do what's needed, just let me know what you
> prefer and I will provide a suggestion, ok? I try to find time on the
> weekend, otherwise I'll have time after the end of next week.

I am ok with what you propose. So, please go ahead.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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