On 04/05/2024 15:03, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
I have no idea if "other\n\"string\"\nlines" may be passed
`org-babel-read', but it is not discarded by the current regexp:


I do not see why we should limit things to single-line strings.

Quotes are not stripped:

(org-babel-read "\"abc\nsdf\"" t)

(org-babel-read "(\n\"abc\"\n" t)

progn: End of file during parsing

My conclusion that the current regexp may give both false positives and false negatives. `read` errors are not handled, but likely it is a result of wrong guarding regexp.

1. read is faster

I would not argue since I have no benchmark. My expectation was that replace is mostly no-op, so original string is returned while using `read' requires some overhead for a temporary buffer.

2. read is less maintenance - we can rely upon robust implementation
    provided by Emacs itself instead of doing something custom, with
    potential bugs.

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