On 01/05/2024 19:19, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
And replacing the call to org-babel-string-read with org-babel-read does not
break any tests...
005e68294 2009-06-11 17:04:42 -0700 Eric Schulte: making progress
bringing org-babel-R.el into the new evaluation schema
`org-babel-string-read' has been stripping quotes, but `org-string-read'
got this feature later in
60a8ba556 2011-03-02 07:55:39 -0700 Eric Schulte: ob: read string
variable values wrapped in double quotes, removing the quotes
So now outer quotes are stripped twice.
(org-babel-string-read "\"\"1\"\"")
(org-babel-read "\"\"1\"\"" t)
There are still more subtle differences between these functions:
(org-babel-string-read "\"1\" 2 \"3\"")
"1\" 2 \"3"
(org-babel-read "\"1\" 2 \"3\"" t)
"\"1\" 2 \"3\""
What I do not like in `org-babel-read' is false positive for escaped
quote when actually backslash is escaped:
(org-babel-read "\"1\\\\\" 2 \\\\\"3\"" t)
(org-babel-read "\"1\\\\|\" 2 \\\\|\"3\"" t)
"\"1\\\\|\" 2 \\\\|\"3\""
Test suite is far from being exhaustive.