On Sunday, January 14th, 2024 at 03:26, András Simonyi 
<andras.simo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not an active Ivy user (although I was in the past) but now I
> tried it out with the basic cite-insert processor and "C-u C-j" seems
> to be working as "empty input".

Phew, what a morning.  I removed Ivy, Swiper and Counsel from my configuration 
and tried Vertico and its connected packages; then find-file didn't work; 
eventually I discovered some code I'd copied a decade ago and forgotten that 
was now interfering with completion somewhere; I tried org-cite-insert again 
and had the same problem; I wondered if I'd have to declare Emacs bankruptcy; I 
read this response and Joost Kremer's ("You'll run into the same issue with 
Vertico, I suspect"); I tried C-u C-j in Vertico and was glad it worked; I did 
some more tweaking to Vertico; I broke something and spent half an hour on 
that; finally I got everything working.

So after about four hours of fiddling things look more or less how they did 
before, except that Emacs now starts up much, much faster, *and* a 
long-standing problem with searching in a buffer is now gone: with Swiper, C-s 
to search would make Org lose the formatting on links and they would show [[in 
their raw naked form]].  I know someone else had this problem too, so I'm 
noting this for anyone searching the archives for Swiper.

Thanks to you both for your help,


William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

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