On Sunday, January 14th, 2024 at 03:26, András Simonyi <andras.simo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not an active Ivy user (although I was in the past) but now I > tried it out with the basic cite-insert processor and "C-u C-j" seems > to be working as "empty input". Phew, what a morning. I removed Ivy, Swiper and Counsel from my configuration and tried Vertico and its connected packages; then find-file didn't work; eventually I discovered some code I'd copied a decade ago and forgotten that was now interfering with completion somewhere; I tried org-cite-insert again and had the same problem; I wondered if I'd have to declare Emacs bankruptcy; I read this response and Joost Kremer's ("You'll run into the same issue with Vertico, I suspect"); I tried C-u C-j in Vertico and was glad it worked; I did some more tweaking to Vertico; I broke something and spent half an hour on that; finally I got everything working. So after about four hours of fiddling things look more or less how they did before, except that Emacs now starts up much, much faster, *and* a long-standing problem with searching in a buffer is now gone: with Swiper, C-s to search would make Org lose the formatting on links and they would show [[in their raw naked form]]. I know someone else had this problem too, so I'm noting this for anyone searching the archives for Swiper. Thanks to you both for your help, Bill -- William Denton https://www.miskatonic.org/ Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator. Toronto, Canada