William Denton <will...@williamdenton.org> writes:

>> You can just use [cite/nil:@friends].
> Huh!  Thanks, I didn't see that at all.  Looking again at the definition of 
> org-cite-basic-export-citation in oc-basic.el, I see the doc string says, 
> "Export CITATION object. STYLE is the expected citation style, as a pair of 
> strings or nil."  And then there's a section below starting:
>     ;; Default ("nil") style.
> Now that I know what that does, I can sort of see what's going on.  The same 
> thing is in the CSL code as well, so it's all making more sense now.

Another way is [cite/style-that-surely-does-not-exist:@friends]

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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