On 27/09/2023 02:12, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
I just have checked that a dirty hack with a few lines of code for
`org-export-filter-final-output-functions' allows to insert arbitrary
text to the beginning of export result. Perhaps a more elegant solution
exists, but I admit it is not a straightforward way. At least it is
And it is also possible by simply defining a new class (in Org
terminology, not LaTeX). My usual class is an almost empty one, without
documentclass and without packages, because I don't want org to write
the preamble for me. But I think this is not the point.
LATEX_PRE_HEADER you proposed is a document-local setting while
`org-latex-classes' is shared by all Org documents. In that hack I used
a buffer-local variable to achieve document-specific fragment.
In the specific cases of \DocumentMetadata and .xmpdata,
LATEX_PRE_HEADER needs to be passed through `format-spec' with result of
`org-latex--format-spec' call to get notion of Org metadata. Whether it
is necessary for \PassOptionsToPackage depends on particular cases. If
such options do not vary across documents then certainly
`org-latex-classes' becomes viable.
I do not like "[NO-PACKAGES]" and similar keywords to suppress adding of
some code snippets. That is why I believe it is better to seek for
another approach to generate LaTeX preamble. I have not had a look into
Timothy's code yet, so I can say nothing concerning its flexibility in
respect to substituting metadata into code before \documentclass.