On 26/09/2023 04:57, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
Aloha all,
Juan Manuel Macías <maciasch...@posteo.net> writes:
If so, Org should have native support of \DocumentMetadata, not
LATEX_PRE_HEADER or something similar.
If it were the only case of code before \documentclass, I would agree.
But, as I have already said above, the diversity of use cases makes the
implementation of /ad hoc/ solutions unviable, in my opinion.
FWIW, I agree with Juan Manuel here and would welcome a straightforward
way to insert material before the header.
I just have checked that a dirty hack with a few lines of code for
`org-export-filter-final-output-functions' allows to insert arbitrary
text to the beginning of export result. Perhaps a more elegant solution
exists, but I admit it is not a straightforward way. At least it is
I do not mind that generation of preamble should be more flexible, but I
consider LATEX_PRE_HEADER as an ad hoc solution, so I am trying to find
a better variant. That is why I asked for details concerning particular
use cases.
I remember recipes like "put \usepackage{cmap} immediately after
\documentclass" (nowadays this particular one should not be necessary).
So I would prefer to avoid keywords per each chunk of preamble code.
\begin{filecontents*} from the original post is not convincing.
\DocumentMetadata perhaps should be supported out of the box.
I would consider some kind of templates that use predefined fragments
#+LATEX_REPLACE_TEMPLATE: :preamble mypreamble
#+name: mypreamble
#+begin_src latex :exports none :noweb yes
with ability to use fine grain snippets instead
#+LATEX_REPLACE_TEMPLATE: :preamble detailedpreamble
#+name: detailedpreamble
#+begin_src latex :exports none :noweb yes
I hope, something similar may be made more readable than series of
LATEX_HEADER & Co lines.