Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:

> "Christopher M. Miles" <numbch...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Ok, I upload on Disroot website:
>> https://upload.disroot.org/r/7skmXw7a#zt0jISsPuV0f3LkY9aRyz77X3iAOyD3cuue1Fbi9zy0=
> So, the hang happens on `epg-wait-for-status'.
> So, again, may you try to run the exact command line (including absence
> of input file) manually in terminal?
> Basically, `epg-wait-for-status' is looking at the output of gpg,
> waiting for "[GNUPG:] BEGIN_ENCRYPTION" and never gets that status from
> gpg. AFAIU.

I executed bellowing command in terminal without input file. (I added
aside comment using marker "|<--")

#+begin_src sh :eval no
$ gpg --no-tty --status-fd 1 --yes --enable-progress-filter --command-fd 0 
--pinentry-mode loopback --encrypt -r 1B5DF1C95AE89AC3 -r B8C4B8E547C32433

[GNUPG:] KEY_CONSIDERED F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3 0
[GNUPG:] KEY_CONSIDERED F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3 0
gpg: 1B5DF1C95AE89AC3: skipped: public key already present   |<-- gpg wait for 
input and stopped here.
[GNUPG:] BEGIN_ENCRYPTION                                    |<-- followed your 
hints, I input "[GNUPG:] BEGIN_ENCRYPTION" manually here.
hello                                                        |<-- I input text 
manually here.
[GNUPG:] PROGRESS stdin ? 0 0 B                              |<-- gpg start to 

xMIiEXM{q2]"k1vx_$xIc3^L!L' $_уp
             T%QC a^i
      ѪM951M$'R@"nL^f곬:&vI[GNUPG:] BEGIN_ENCRYPTION 2 7
                                                             |<-- gpg stop 
here, wait for more input again.
happy                                                        |<-- I try input 
text more to test whether gpg will encrypt more input.
[GNUPG:] BEGIN_ENCRYPTION                                    |<-- because upper 
input no response, so I insert beginning encryption marker again here.
testing input from stdin                                     |<-- input again. 
still no response.

^C                                                           |<-- then I press 
[C-c] to quit command.
gpg: signal Interrupt caught ... exiting

From the testing, should be confirmed that gpg is fine.

With your hints, I seems can try Edebug again to find more clue. Will update 


[ stardiviner ]
I try to make every word tell the meaning that I want to express without 

Blog: https://stardiviner.github.io/
IRC(libera.chat, freenode): stardiviner, Matrix: stardiviner
GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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