Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:

> "Christopher M. Miles" <numbch...@gmail.com> writes:
>> The current CPU report indeed not contains heavy org-crypt. Because my
>> epa get problem. When I edit a GnuPG encrypted "encrypt.org.gpg", it
>> suspend on epa waiting for process to finished. It never ends unless I
>> press [C-g] to quit it.
> Which looks like gpg tried to display password prompt is some awkward
> place (like in bash sub-process under Emacs) and is forever waiting for
> your input.
> I have (setenv "DISPLAY" ":0.0") in my init.el to let graphical
> dialogues know how to popup from under Emacs process.

I'm under macOS system. the result of (getenv "DISPLAY") is
"ssh-askpass". This is weird...

I will dig deeper about this issue, update here later.


[ stardiviner ]
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