On 22 Feb 2023, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 22/02/2023 14:29, Karl Fogel wrote:
I put it on "C-<tab>" because that's normally unbound in Org Mode,
and because so many of the Org Mode cycling commands involve
modified tab already.
Perhaps C-<tab> is not the best choice:

author Bastien Mon Jun 1 14:39:28 2020 +0200

Bind `org-force-cycle-archived' to C-c C-TAB

* lisp/org-keys.el (org-mode-map): Bind `org-force-cycle-archived'
to C-c C-TAB instead of C-TAB to avoid conflict with native Emacs
Ah, clearly it is not a good choice -- thank you for noticing 
I think there are two separate questions here:

1) Would it be useful to bind `org-fold-hide-subtree' by default?

2) If yes to (1), then is there a good key to bind it to? (C-c C-something, I guess.)
If we agree on (1), then let's figure out the answer to (2).  I 
don't know if anyone else agrees about (1) yet, though.
By the way, the binding in my Org Mode hook looks like this:

 (when (not (keymap-lookup nil "C-<tab>"))
   (keymap-local-set "C-<tab>" 'org-fold-hide-subtree))

So FWIW C-<tab> is not bound in Org Mode buffers for me, in Emacs 30.x (i.e., recent development builds). However, I agree with Bastien's logic: C-<tab> is not in the reserved keymap space, so Emacs might bind it (and perhaps does bind it in other modes).
I don't know how widely-used `org-cycle-force-archived' is (that's 
the new name of that function).  I don't use it, personally, so if 
we decide against (1)+(2) above, then perhaps I'll just override 
that binding for myself instead.
Best regards,

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