what i meant was that i have a binding, org-next-link, bound to c-tab.

i acccomplished this with (define-key org-mode-map (quote [C-tab])
(quote org-next-link)) [kbd would be better].

i did similar with org-link-minor-mode.  i was just offtopicing that
it would be useful to jump to those definitions.

i.e. like m-. on a function name, if that is set up to work, or c-h f
command tab ret to go to the fuction definition, but for keys.

On 2/25/23, Max Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 23/02/2023 11:48, Samuel Wales wrote:
>> huh i had put org-next-link there.  i wish define-key could have a
>> button in a help page like functions and vars do so you could go to
>> where you define it.  [there are probably 300 competing packages that
>> do exactly that.]
> C-h f org-next-link
> displays at the top:
> It is bound to C-c C-x C-n, <menu-bar> <Org> <Hyperlinks> <Next link>.
> Is it the feature you are asking for? This one is available out of the box.
> Unfortunately it is not trivial to discover binding from a file that is
> not loaded. Actually I found `tab-next' in the manual at first. Earlier
> attempts with "C-<tab>" and "C-TAB" failed due to "[(control tab)]" is
> used in tab-bar.el.

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