Carsten Dominik <> wrote:

> On Jul 1, 2009, at 12:26 PM, Christian Egli wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Carsten Dominik <> writes:
>>> On Jul 1, 2009, at 9:20 AM, Ulf Stegemann wrote:
>>>> Carsten Dominik <> wrote:
>>>>> Bulk action
>>>>> ============
>>>>> We can add more actions, if you convince me they make sense.
>>>> IMHO setting scheduled (and maybe deadline) date would make sense.
>>> In what sense?  Shifting all dates by the same amount, or setting them
>>> all to a fixed date?
>> I usually display unscheduled TODO items in my agenda as well
>> (org-agenda-include-all-todo), so if I decide that I should work on some
>> of them next week then a bulk action to schedule them might come in
>> handy.
>> So one use case is to set a fixed scheduled date for a number of TODOs.
>> In my case these are tasks that have not been scheduled yet.
>> Another use case is when I decide that there will not be enough time
>> this week to complete all scheduled tasks. I want to move some of the
>> tasks to next week. This could be either a shift by 7 days or a
>> rescheduling to next monday (a fixed date).
> This should work now, I added "s" and "d" as bulk commands.
> Both commands will prompt for a date, and that date will be set for all
> entries.
> If you specify something like "++2d" at the prompt, all
> dates will be shifted by the same amount.

Works like a charm and proves to be a useful time-saver from the very
fist moment on. Thanks for implementing it :)


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