On Jul 1, 2009, at 9:20 AM, Ulf Stegemann wrote:

Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> wrote:

Bulk action

You can now use the `s' key to select entries in the agenda.
When one or more entries have been selected, the `B' key will
execute an action on all selected entries.  I believe this bulk
action makes mainly sense for the commands that require answering
interactive prompts.  So far the supported actions are

- Refile all selected entries to a single destination
- Archive all selected entries
- Set the TODO state of all selected entries, bypassing any
  blocking or note-taking.
- Add or remove a tag to/from all selected entries

We can add more actions, if you convince me they make sense.

IMHO setting scheduled (and maybe deadline) date would make sense.

In what sense? Shifting all dates by the same amount, or setting them all to a fixed date?

- Carsten

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