Thanks everyone. I think I managed to get something like David's
suggestion working... I spent the most time trying to initialize the
creation times from git though, with vc-annotate.. I don't think that
was meant to be used non-interactively, but I beat it into shape. :)
The other end of it is the agenda view, so I made a comparison
function that puts them in order oldest to youngest. I made a gist for
the snippet here: and I'll also paste
org-expiry is interesting.. I didn't know about that. Certainly
there's a similarity, although the point of view is different: "tasks
that are old and should be archived" vs. "tasks that are old and
should be FINISHED!!!" :) I haven't thought too much yet about how to
unify the two ideas...
On Jul 1, 2009, at 7:58 AM, Bastien wrote:
David Maus <> writes:
And what a fun it is to train my elisp skills. A first hack that
seems to work:
(defun dmj/org-assure-creation-property ()
"Process all orgmode entries of current buffer that do not
match a defined search string"
(org-map-entries 'dmj/org-insert-creation-property "+Creation_Time=
(defun dmj/org-insert-creation-property ()
"Insert Creation-Property in Orgmode entry at point"
(let ((stamp (format-time-string (cdr org-time-stamp-formats)
(setq stamp (concat "[" (substring stamp 1 -1) "]"))
(org-entry-put (point-marker) "Creation_Time" stamp))
Thanks for this David -- you might also have a look at the code in
org-expiry.el. If there is anything there that you want to improve,
please do so!
;;; sorting org-mode tasks by age
(defconst org-age-property "CREATED")
(defun org-age-set-to-today-if-missing ()
(or (org-entry-get (point) org-age-property)
(let ((d (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" (current-time))))
(org-entry-put (point) org-age-property d)
(defconst org-date-regexp "\\b[0-9]\\{4\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}\
(defun org-age-set-from-vc-if-missing ()
(or (org-entry-get (point) org-age-property)
(let ((current-line (count-lines (point-min) (point)))
(vc-annotate buffer-file-name (vc-workfile-version buffer-
(if (search-forward-regexp org-date-regexp
(point-at-eol) t)
(setq date-string (match-string 0)))
(kill-buffer nil)) ;; otherwise next annotation may be wrong
(when date-string
(org-entry-put (point) org-age-property date-string)
(basic-save-buffer)) ;; otherwise next annotation may be
(defvar org-age-todo-match "/TODO|PROJECT|MAYBE|WAIT")
(defun org-age-set-all (setf)
(let ((rs (org-map-entries setf org-age-todo-match 'agenda)))
(defun org-age-set-all-to-today ()
(org-age-set-all 'org-age-set-to-today-if-missing))
(defun org-age-set-all-from-vc ()
(org-age-set-all 'org-age-set-from-vc-if-missing))
(defun org-age-compare (a b)
(let* ((ma (get-text-property 1 'org-marker a))
(mb (get-text-property 1 'org-marker b))
(da (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer ma)
(goto-char (marker-position ma))
(db (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer mb)
(goto-char (marker-position mb))
((string< da db) -1)
((string= da db) nil)
(t +1))))
(setq org-agenda-cmp-user-defined 'org-age-compare)
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
'(("z" "description"
todo "TODO"
((org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(user-defined-up))
(org-agenda-archives-mode nil)))))
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