On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 12:31 PM, David Maus<maus.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
  > At Tue, 30 Jun 2009 16:04:39 -0400,
  > Christopher League wrote:
  >> I would love to be able to sort TODOs by their age, so it becomes
  >> painfully obvious what I have been ignoring. Since org relies on free-
  >> form text (a strength), it's tricky to ensure that every item gets a
  >> 'creation-time' property. But it doesn't need to be accurate to the
  >> second; even a script that added that property once every day or so
  >> might do the trick.
  > Well, I'm not a elisp hacker but what comes into my mind is a custom
  > function that does:
  > for all headlines with a TODO keyword
  > * check if property "creation-time" exists
  > * add propertie creation time with current date & time if such an
  > propertie does not exist
  > and then hook this function into before-save-hook.
  > So the question is (a) if there are functions to process all items,
  > check for existence of a property and create properties (I'm quite
  > certain there are) and (b) how to use them.

There are property and mapping APIs documented in the manual under
section on hacking.


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