Felix Wiemuth <felixwiem...@hotmail.de> writes: > Any idea what the reason could be? Could it be any configuration that > leads to this? Or is it probably a bug in spacemacs and I should post > the issue there?
If you do not see the issue using the same version of Org spacemacs uses but without spacemacs or your config, the reason is, indeed, in something other than Org. It should be either spacemacs tweaks to Org, extra packages installed by spacemacs, you your personal customizations. I would try to install stock standard spacemacs without any configuration and try to reproduce. If you can reproduce, I'd ask spacemacs users (probably, by filing an issue in spacemacs repo). If you can't, the problem is likely in your config and you would try to bisect the config (I usually use https://github.com/Malabarba/elisp-bug-hunter, but not sure if it is easy to use with spacemacs configuration). -- Ihor Radchenko, Org mode contributor, Learn more about Org mode at https://orgmode.org/. Support Org development at https://liberapay.com/org-mode, or support my work at https://liberapay.com/yantar92