On 13.09.22 04:39, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Felix Wiemuth <felixwiem...@hotmail.de> writes:

Emacs 28.1
Orgmode 9.5.2 (but discovered already 2020-01-20)

When pasting a subtree (of whichever level) with org-paste-subtree at
any position (can be an empty line or a line with a header prefix, e.g.
"*** "), always an empty line is inserted above the inserted subtree.

I would expect no new line to be inserted, and I think this was the
behaviour before I noticed this.
I am unable to reproduce.
Could you please detail what exactly you tried step by step?
See https://orgmode.org/manual/Feedback.html

I'm sorry, assumed it was a general issue. I actually tried it with a fresh emacs and there it does not happen.

I tried it with a fresh spacemacs (development branch at commit 201d22b) and there the issue exists.

Any idea what the reason could be? Could it be any configuration that leads to this? Or is it probably a bug in spacemacs and I should post the issue there?


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