Hello, Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:
> Could you please elaborate what you mean by "organize"? Maybe the best is an image... If you look at https://github.com/alphapapa/org-super-agenda/blob/master/images/screenshots/index.org, you can see that the TODO items for a given date in the agenda are neatly organized by using org-super-agenda into user-defined groups (Important, Personal, etc.). I got this working fine, but then I have a long list of TODO items with no scheduled date. I was hoping that org-super-agenda would also work on those items, so that similar grouping would be applied to them, but I don't know if this is not possible or I'm missing something. As an example, my agenda now looks like the following, where the grouping is not applied to the Global list of TODO items (which I would like): ,---- | Day-agenda (W37): | Tuesday 13 September 2022 | | Schedule | 6:35...... now - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | 8:00...... ---------------- | 10:00...... ---------------- | 12:00...... ---------------- | 14:00...... ---------------- | 16:00...... ---------------- | diary: 17:30-18:30 Timaginas Teatro | 18:00...... ---------------- | 20:00...... ---------------- | | Important | TODO_personal:Scheduled: TODO [#A] Revisión óptica :personal: | | Personal | TODO_personal:Scheduled: TODO Call city hall :personal: | | =============================================================================== | Global list of TODO items of type: ALL | | Schedule | TODO_wprogress:TODO [#A] P-CORONA (open source version) [2/11] :polmag: | TODO_personal:TODO [#B] Oculista Alex :personal: | TODO_personal:TODO [#B] Imprimir detalles Pelayo :personal: | TODO_wprogress:TODO Leer: :astrophysics: | TODO_wprogress:TODO PORTA: Prepare citation file :polmag: `---- -- Ángel de Vicente Research Software Engineer (Supercomputing and BigData) Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (https://www.iac.es/en)