On 2022-09-13 20:55, Angel de Vicente wrote:

This looks correct. The only suspicious group is the one with
:time-grid. Time grid is not supported in todo list by vanilla
org-agenda. I am not sure how well org-super-agenda handles it.

I'd try to remove the "Schedule" group for TODO agenda. If it helps the
situation, you may consider reporting the issue to org-super-agenda
author at https://github.com/alphapapa/org-super-agenda/

thanks for the help. It turns out that this was already an issue in
(https://github.com/alphapapa/org-super-agenda/issues/212). User tuh8888
provided a possible fix
(https://github.com/alphapapa/org-super-agenda/pull/221), which has not
been accepted yet since apparently perhaps it can break other things,
but in my case it looks like it is working just fine, so I'll risk it



Thank you for pointing this bug report.
I encountered the same myself, but if I remember correctly, I went through it another way, so I was not sure it was expected to work this way.

If I am right (I am playing with the config, it’s not in my daily setup yet for now), I could achieve this by defining "org-agenda-custom-commands" as shown in the "Projects" example : https://github.com/alphapapa/org-super-agenda/blob/master/examples.org#projects.

In that case, "org-super-agenda-groups" is defined differently according to the context, so the "time-grid" captures the timed entries in its scope. Then, "org-super-agenda-groups" applies to the TODOs in the "todo" or "alltodo" context (I used the latter one) where I don’t define the "time-grid" selection. Or, maybe I applied it to the "alltodo" only, and discarded it for the agenda grid to work only on the TODOs. I don’t remember exactly, however this might be a workaround to try that does not need an update of the code, especially if it is not expected to be stable and supported by the author.



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