Juan Manuel Macías <maciasch...@posteo.net> writes: > [1] I have to add, by the way, that MatchLowercase is not always a > panacea.
Hmmm... maybe add optional extra config/output option to the fontset, like so: ┌──── │ ;; Fonts │ ((myfonta . ((pdflatex . "etc.") (lualatex ...) (html ...) ...)) │ (myfontb ...) │ ...) │ ;; Fontsets │ ((myfontset . │ ((sans . myfonta) │ (serif . myfontb) │ (mono . myfontc) │ (extra . ((lualatex . "\\defaultfontfeatures{Scale=MatchLowercase}") │ (html "some CSS...")...)) │ ...)) │ ...) └──── This way it may be possible to build a fontset library of fonts that blend well together, including some necessary fine-tuning. -- Until the next mail..., Stefan.