On 11/07/2022 21:23, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:

\ifpdftex, \ifPDFTeX
True if PDFTEX is in use (whether writing PDF or DVI), so this is true
for documents processed with both the latex and pdflatex commands.

So the code says: if pdfTeX is used, do nothing; else, add this (luatex
and xetex related) code.

Likely it is not relevant to Org, but for the following document

\ifpdf PDF\else Not PDF\fi

I get "PDF" when I use pdflatex and "Not PDF" when I run latex.

Yes, that is true, sorry. I don't work with math. But:

\setmathrm{⟨font name⟩}
\setmathsf{⟨font name⟩}
\setmathtt{⟨font name⟩}
\setboldmathrm{⟨font name⟩}

Now, weren't we talking about ensuring a minimum readability out of the
box in case non-Latin characters are used?

Mathematical expressions may contain non-latin characters as well. \text{} may be a rescue (anyway such expression usually appears poorly formatted), but if I remember correctly, it is better to use math mode commands to get accurate spaces in accordance to TeX design. So math fonts with wider coverage is somewhere close to minimum readability.

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