
I've recently tried to switch to org-cite, but I still have some problems with 
the basics.

Consider the following entry:

title = {This is the title},
shorttitle = {This is the short title},
author = {Surname1, Name1 and Surname2, Name2 and Surname3, Name3},
year = {2022},

I want to have something like: "as shown by Surname1 et al. (2022), ...", i.e. 
something one can get with natbib \citet command. With org-ref it worked like a 

I've tried the syntax presented in 
https://blog.tecosaur.com/tmio/2021-07-31-citations.html#more-exporting, that 
but I ended with a 'wrong type argument' error.

I then tried [cite/t:@akey2022]: exporting succeeds. However, I end up with "as 
shown by Surname1, Name1 and Surname2, Name2 and Surname3, Name3 (2022), ...".

How can I correctly specify the options mentioned above? Is there a complete 
and updated tutorial available somewhere?

Thanks in advance.



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