Max Nikulin <> writes:

>> Note that there is not much happening when capture menu is called. Only
>> the link is stored into link ting. Otherwise, no capture data is
>> altered. All the fragile staff is happening after selecting capture
>> template.
> Ihor, magic is impossible. If several captures may be requested in 
> parallel then snapshot of data required to fill capture template should 
> be stored somewhere at the moment when capture is initiated. Otherwise 
> the user may kill the buffer she is going to capture before selecting 
> particular template.

Sure. That somewhere can be buffer-local variable inside the capture
menu buffer. Or global variable. Or closure. How is it relevant to the
capture menu?

Of course, using global variables will limit things to a single capture,
but it just means that if a user starts capture, leaves the capture menu
buffer, and then starts another capture, only the last capture will be
handled. Just like we have now.


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