Max Nikulin <> writes:

> On 04/06/2022 22:35, Arthur Miller wrote:
>> However before I continue, I am thinking of ditching the 'read-key' 
>> completely
>> and switching to "standard" Emacs way of implementing interactivity via mode 
>> and
>> mode-map. I am currently playing with such implementation, which to me 
>> appears
>> both simpler (code reduction) and more flexible, but it does change the 
>> mental
>> model of how clients of org-mks are used, for example org-capture.
> Frankly speaking, I am quite confused concerning what you are trying to do in
> particular. At some moment I had an impression that you were going to factor 
> out
> of `org-capture' the menu that is already a separate function `org-mks'.

>From the beginning I relized I can easily create menus with org-capture, bu 
definiing org-templates, which are simply lists, and wanted to generalize the
org-capture to create menus that can execute ordinary functions, which 'exec'
keyword did. After input from Ihor I agree that it isn't the best way, and was
able to refactor org-mks to create a menu where I can execute any lisp form,
when it comes in a list like this : ("h" "hello-word" (message "Hello,
World")), where third element is just a lisp form. I have something like this:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp

(defun demo1 ()
  "Simple illustration to recreate org-capture menu (visually only)."
  (let ((quick-menu-key-decorator-chars "[]")
          ;; table
          ;; description
          '(:label "*Quick Select*"
                   :text "Select a capture template\n=========================")
          ;; more tables
          '(("C" "Customize org-capture-templates"
             (customize-variable 'org-capture-templates))
            ("q" "Abort" (user-error "Abort"))))))
    (if (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
        (message "%S" return)

(defun demo3 ()
  "Illustrate nested menus, unicode separator and alternative decorator."
  (let ((quick-menu-key-decorator-chars "<>")
        (quick-menu-vertical-separator ?─))
     ;; table
     '(("g" "Greetings")
       ("gh" "Hello, World!" (message "Hello, World!"))
       ("gb" "Bar" (message "Hello, Bar!")))
     ;; description
     ;; more tables
     '(("f" "Functions")
       ("ff" "Find File" (call-interactively #'find-file))
       ("fo" "Open File" (flet ((next-read-file-uses-dialog-p () t))
                           (call-interactively 'find-file))))
     '(("q" "Abort" (user-error "Abort"))))))
"quick-menu" is my refactoring of org-mks, definition looks like this:

(defun quick-menu (table &optional description &rest tables)
  "Select a member of an alist with multiple keys.

TABLE is an alist which should contain entries where the car is a string.
There should be two types of entries.

1. prefix descriptions like (\"a\" \"Description\")
   This indicates that `a' is a prefix key for multi-letter selection, and
   that there are entries following with keys like \"ab\", \"ax\"...

2. Select-able members must have more than two elements, with the first
   being the string of keys that lead to selecting it, and the second a
   short description string of the item. 

The command will then make a temporary buffer listing all entries
that can be selected with a single key, and all the single key
prefixes.  When you press the key for a single-letter entry, it is selected.
When you press a prefix key, the commands (and maybe further prefixes)
under this key will be shown and offered for selection.

DESCRIPTON is a property list containing following members:

:text          a string placed over the selection in the buffer.
:label         a string used for the selections buffer name.
:prompt        a string used when prompting for a key.
:always        when `t', this menu is shown; even descended into submenus
:horizontal    when `t', if multiple menus are present they are rendered from
left to right, otherwise from top to bottom.
:key-decorator a two-character string used to decorate command characters. When
this string is specified, it will take precedence over the global variable

TABLES are additional menus in the same format as TABLE. If there are more
then one menus, they will be separated by a separator line rendered with
character as specified in `quick-menu-vertical-separator'")


I have paramterized decorator character for shortcut keys as they appear in the
buffer, org-capture uses "[]", as well as menu separator, which is currently
hard-coded in org-capture, and I am currently trying to implement horizontal
layout, where menus are stacked from left to right. I also have a not so nice
bug when drawing nested menu that it leaves undesired space where menus not
visible after descension into current are; I have to redraw the entire menu but
haven't yet implemented it so I don't want to post a demo yet. But before I fix
redrawing and implement horizontal layout, I would like to switch to the
different model of interaction and use ordinary mode map idioms instead of
blocking read key. Since I need to rework current prototype for the re-drawing
part, I can as well rework it to skip read-key at the same time.

> Interface is blocking for purpose. Capture has single-task workflow
> currently.

Yes, I am aware of that. That is why I ask if it would be acceptable to switch
away from non-blocking interface. I totally agree that capture is a single-task
workflow, however more generalized menu should allow for other applications as
well. We can still achieve single-task workflow with org-capture, by simply not
allowing more then one org-capture menu buffer at a time, it is just that it
won't block entire Emacs. So one could have more than one application of
quick-menu, where for example org-capture is one application, some imaingary
greating-app would be a different application, etc.

>            Capture data are stored in global variables, so parallel captures 
> may
> cause problems. Likely it is assumed that a user quickly selects template and
> necessary data are added to the target document buffer.

Exactly.  It is important that org-capture is one capture at the time so people
don't mess their note files, agenda files etc.

>                                                         Unsure if some
> intermediate persistent store would be an improvement.

Not sure what you mean here, but I don't plan to change anything in org-capture
itself, it should still be one-task at the time.

> The following complain is mainly related to selection of a window to show the
> menu, but it should have in mind that some people use Emacs as window manager
> and menu should not hide windows related to current activity.
> Eric S Fraga. Re: Bug: org-no-popups disregards
> display-buffer-fallback-action. Mon, 15 Nov 2021 09:57:46
> +0000.
> Likely nobody performed any steps toward `transient' as the interface, but due
> to such requests it would be nice to have possibility to switch between menu
> implementations.

I am not building some generalized framework, as I said in my first respone to
Ihor :-). 

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