On 04/06/2022 22:35, Arthur Miller wrote:
However before I continue, I am thinking of ditching the 'read-key' completely
and switching to "standard" Emacs way of implementing interactivity via mode and
mode-map. I am currently playing with such implementation, which to me appears
both simpler (code reduction) and more flexible, but it does change the mental
model of how clients of org-mks are used, for example org-capture.

Frankly speaking, I am quite confused concerning what you are trying to do in particular. At some moment I had an impression that you were going to factor out of `org-capture' the menu that is already a separate function `org-mks'.

While I appreciate the goal to improve `org-capture' behavior, I have some warnings.

Interface is blocking for purpose. Capture has single-task workflow currently. Capture data are stored in global variables, so parallel captures may cause problems. Likely it is assumed that a user quickly selects template and necessary data are added to the target document buffer. Unsure if some intermediate persistent store would be an improvement.

The following complain is mainly related to selection of a window to show the menu, but it should have in mind that some people use Emacs as window manager and menu should not hide windows related to current activity.

Eric S Fraga. Re: Bug: org-no-popups disregards display-buffer-fallback-action. Mon, 15 Nov 2021 09:57:46 +0000. https://list.orgmode.org/87fsrxeo6d....@ucl.ac.uk

Likely nobody performed any steps toward `transient' as the interface, but due to such requests it would be nice to have possibility to switch between menu implementations.

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