Thanks for the answer.  I used to do this, too, and am aware of this
possibility.  I find it kind of clutters up the org file and was happy
to find a way to avoid this.  I will return to this if I need to, but
would prefer to adapt the more elegant way to do it, if there is a

Many thanks again


Am Fr., 22. Apr. 2022 um 16:23 Uhr schrieb Eric S Fraga <>:
> On Friday, 22 Apr 2022 at 16:15, Rainer Thiel wrote:
> > I use Org-Mode to schedule most everything, including my lectures
> > which typically are recurring events.
> Instead of using diary s-expressions, what I do is create one entry for
> the first lecture, say, and then use org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift
> to create the copies, typically shifted by 1 week.  Then I go through
> the created entries and delete those weeks that need to be omitted.
> Maybe not as elegant but works very well and it's what I've been doing
> for years now for my own lectures.
> --
> : Eric S Fraga, with org release_9.5.3-397-g81289b in Emacs 29.0.50

Prof. Dr. Rainer Thiel
Institut für Altertumswissenschaften
07737 Jena, Germany (EU)

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