Thank you very much, indeed, Ihor. diary-date was exactly the function I was looking for.
Please allow me to report that in the meantime I have found a method that seems to suit my personal needs even better. You can use <%%(org-class 2022 04 11 2022 07 15 4 21 26)> to set every Thursday (4) in the time range between April 11th, 2022 and July 15th, 2022, but exclude (the Thursdays in) ISO weeks 21 and 26 (ie, 2022-05-26 and 2022-06-30). Less to type and easier to do if your calendar carries ISO-week numbers. Many thanks again for the help Rainer Am So., 24. Apr. 2022 um 09:59 Uhr schrieb Ihor Radchenko <>: > > Rainer Thiel <> writes: > > > I use Org-Mode to schedule most everything, including my lectures > > which typically are recurring events. I have learnt that I can > > exclude a certain range of days or weeks where no lectures take place. > > For this, I use: > > > > * TODO 12:15--13:45 Lecture: Aristotle > > <%%(unless (diary-block 12 20 2021 12 31 2021) (and (= 3 > > (calendar-day-of-week date)) (diary-block 10 18 2021 02 11 2022)))> > > > > What I need to do for this year is to exclude single dates such as > > April 26th, 2022 and June 21st, 2022. Can someone please help me how > > to achieve this? > > You can just change > <%%(unless (diary-block 12 20 2021 12 31 2021) ...)> > to > <%%(unless (or (diary-date 04 26 2022) (diary-date 06 21 2022) (diary-block > 12 20 2021 12 31 2021)) ...)> > > Best, > ihor -- Prof. Dr. Rainer Thiel Institut für Altertumswissenschaften 07737 Jena, Germany (EU) -- Prof. Dr. Rainer Thiel Institut für Altertumswissenschaften 07737 Jena, Germany (EU)