Congratulations!  Org-mode, Carsten and the developers deserve the
recognition.  Now let's see.

1. Complete this sentence in about 140 characters: "Our project is
[-foo-]."  For example, "Our project is a tool that helps you wash your

Org-mode is the definition of lite weight productivity software.  It's
all the tools you need for planning, scheduling, managing projects,
organizing thoughts and more in a well documented, easy to learn and
use package.  Organize information in lists, tables, spread sheets,
outlines and more. Mark up, tag, cross reference, annotate and link
to/from your notes and information in the manner that suites you best
using the features you find useful while safely ignoring those
features you don't need.  Export and publish your information in
several formats for presentation or interoperability.  Extend it to
better suite the way you work and think using builtin hooks and APIs.

[too long, and yet not enough.  maybe...]

Org-mode is the simple, powerful management & organization tool that
other tools will have to try to match in flexibility and simplicity.

2. Complete this sentence, also in about 140 characters: "We should win
because [-bar-]."  For example, "We should win because we have a strong
community and we solve a universal problem."

Org-mode already sets the bar high for organization tools and its
community has just begun developing plugins and useful/unexpected

[It hurts to abbreviate it that much.]

That all I got.  I'm no good at video or art.  Sorry.


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