Here are some ideas.
1. Complete this sentence in about 140 characters: "Our project is
[-foo-]." For example, "Our project is a tool that helps you wash your
Our project is the best organizing tool that exists in this universe.
2. Complete this sentence, also in about 140 characters: "We should win
because [-bar-]." For example, "We should win because we have a strong
community and we solve a universal problem."
We should win because org-mode is transformative, innovative, and it is
supported and developed by an active and friendly community.
3. Please provide a logo (or screenshot, if you'd prefer) for your
project. It should be at least 640x480, but we'll also be showing it
as a thumbnail.
I agree that an svg of the unicorn is good.
4. This one is optional, but it could make a big difference. We'd like
to show our voters a video that introduces them to the core members of
your team. Send along the URL (on YouTube) and we'll make sure they
see it!
Perhaps one could collect nice photos of each of the major contributors
who agree to be part of the video. These photos could be shown
sequentially (with appropriate transitions between photos) in the video
while the sound track would describe who is in each photo. If adding
sound is too much trouble, one could describe each photo with text,
maybe even org-mode style text.
It shouldn't be too hard to make such a video. I bet ffmpeg would work
to make a nice ogg video that could be posted on the org-mode website.
I'm sure it would be easy to put it on YouTube also.
6. Our finalists are usually pretty interesting people. Are you
willing to be contacted by our public relations team about interviews
with the press?
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