On 20/01/2022 07:23, Samuel Wales wrote:

my needs for saving and restoring, however, are more fancy.  something
like achieving a 1:1 mapping from firefox selected tabs, or a tree
style tabs extension tree, to their counterparts in org, even when
those counterparts have notes and such.  this might include marking
the org version as deleted/doneified] merely by closing tab in
firefox.  vice-versa would be straightforward.  so it's really a "get
organized and don't get confused by having both firefox and org" kinda

Let's split this into a separate subthread. I am not planning to adopt such workflow, you may try to inspire somebody else by this idea however. What may be done in LinkRemark is some API to capture tabs when another add-on request it. Tab management extensions offer some plugin APIs, so it may be implemented as a third add-on that glues Tree Style Tab and LinkRemark.

I have not tried KDE Plasma Integration or mapping of browser tabs on filesystem, but I expect that some implementation ideas may be borrowed from these projects.

- https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Browser_Integration
- https://omar.website/tabfs/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25600338

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