
Juan Manuel Macías <maciasch...@posteo.net> writes:

> The `:options' attr. allows adding an optional argument with various
> table options (between brackets in LaTeX export), since certain tabular
> environments, such as `longtblr' of the `tabularray' LaTeX package,
> provides this structure (see:
> https://list.orgmode.org/CALtzAB1yM+uG_xHghCxTLRX5mgbzNvT5+PO=duabb28ncsv...@mail.gmail.com/#r)
> Example:
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :environment longtblr
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :align colspec = {XXX}, width = 0.85\linewidth
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :options remark{Note} = {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}
> ==> \begin{longtblr}[remark{Note} = {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}]{colspec = 
> {XXX}, width = 0.85\linewidth}

Thank you.

Could you also document it in the manual?

Nicolas Goaziou

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