Hi Vikas,

Vikas Rawal writes:

> This is excellent. There is only one improvement that I would like you to 
> consider. Is it possible to allow multiple ":options " lines that are 
> appended when exported to
> +latex? Something like this:
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :environment longtblr
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :align colspec = {XXX}, width = 0.85\linewidth
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :options remark{Note} = {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :options remark{Source} = {The source of data}
>  ==> \begin{longtblr}[remark{Note} = {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet},
>                       remark{Source} = {The source of data}]{colspec = {XXX}, 
> width = 0.85\linewidth}
> This would be more elegant since table notes can be elaborate and putting 
> them all in one line would make them unwieldy.
> At the moment, only the last ":options" line is considered.

The normal behavior is that you cannot put more than one property
`:foo', because in that case only the value of the last one is added
when exporting to LaTeX (ther is a property list where each property has
a string value).

I can think of a somewhat tricky solution, in case you want to adapt it
to your use case:

First, you need to convert a plist to an alist (source:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun plist->alist (plist)
  (if (null plist)
     (list (car plist) (cadr plist))
     (plist->alist (cddr plist)))))

And this would be the modified function:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-latex--org-table (table contents info)
  "Return appropriate LaTeX code for an Org table.

TABLE is the table type element to transcode.  CONTENTS is its
contents, as a string.  INFO is a plist used as a communication

This function assumes TABLE has `org' as its `:type' property and
`table' as its `:mode' attribute."
  (let* ((attr (org-export-read-attribute :attr_latex table))
         (alignment (org-latex--align-string table info))
         ;; various `:options' props ;;;; <== modified from here
         (attr-alist (plist->alist attr))
         (options-str (progn
                        (mapc (lambda (m)
                                (when (eq (car m) :options)
                                  (add-to-list 'options-list (cdr m))))
                        (mapconcat (lambda (x) (mapconcat 'identity x "")) 
options-list " ")))
         ;;;;;;;; < == to here
         (table-env (or (plist-get attr :environment)
                        (plist-get info :latex-default-table-environment)))
          (let ((w (plist-get attr :width)))
            (cond ((not w) "")
                  ((member table-env '("tabular" "longtable")) "")
                  ((member table-env '("tabu" "longtabu"))
                   (format (if (plist-get attr :spread) " spread %s "
                             " to %s ")
                  (t (format "{%s}" w)))))
         (caption (org-latex--caption/label-string table info))
         (above? (org-latex--caption-above-p table info)))
     ((member table-env '("longtable" "longtabu"))
      (let ((fontsize (let ((font (plist-get attr :font)))
                        (and font (concat font "\n")))))
        (concat (and fontsize (concat "{" fontsize))
                (format "\\begin{%s}%s{%s}\n" table-env width alignment)
                (and above?
                     (org-string-nw-p caption)
                     (concat caption "\\\\\n"))
                (and (not above?)
                     (org-string-nw-p caption)
                     (concat caption "\\\\\n"))
                (format "\\end{%s}" table-env)
                (and fontsize "}"))))
      (let ((output (format "\\begin{%s}%s%s{%s}\n%s\\end{%s}"
                            ;; modified here
                            (if options-list (format "[%s]" options-str) "")
        (org-latex--decorate-table output attr caption above? info))))))

Pleas tell me if it works for you.

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

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