Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:
> Max Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Ihor, your fix affects linux as well. .cache directory may be missed in 
>> fresh accounts. E.g. I just have created a new test container (my old 
>> one has emacs-25):
> After second thought, I am not sure anymore if using XDG is a good idea.
> Emacs itself only recently started supporting XDG and the support is
> somewhat limited. Similar to the described case with non-existing .cache
> directory, Emacs ignores non-existing .config/emacs folder for init.el.
> Emacs never creates .config directory.
> So, I can see several options for Org:
> 1. Just move to back usual usage of user-emacs-directory and store the
>    cache there
> 2. Use the same approach with Emacs: if $XDG_CACHE_DIR/org-persist
>    exists and user-emacs-directory/org-persist does not, use the XDG
>    dir. Otherwise fall back to user-emacs-directory
> 3. Same as 2, but only require existing $XDG_CACHE_DIR and create
>    $XDG_CACHE_DIR/org-persist dir if possible.
> 4. Same as 3, but create $XDG_CACHE_DIR if possible. It is similar to
>    other XDG-complient software (at least, that's what I saw in
>    qutebrowser code).

I think the key is to be consistent with user expectations. If the
user's init.el is under XDG layout, then use that, otherwise use
user-emacs-dir. This is slightly different to your No. 2, as I suspect
in the first run of org, it could be possible that init.el is under XDG
layout, but there is no org-persist yet.

Most important requirement would be that the location is a custom
variable, allowing easy customisation for those who want to set it

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