On 01/11/2021 18:29, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Scott Otterson writes:

Apparently, org version 9.5 expects the directory "~/.cache" to exist, and
if it doesn't, it terminates with an error.  I'd suggest that org mode
makes this directory if it needs it.

Thanks for reporting! Fixed in 6621ee32e.

Ihor, your fix affects linux as well. .cache directory may be missed in fresh accounts. E.g. I just have created a new test container (my old one has emacs-25):

emacs --batch -L org-mode/lisp/ -l org-persist --eval '(message "%s\n%s" org-persist-directory (org-version nil t))'

Loading /etc/emacs/site-start.d/00debian.el (source)...
Org mode version 9.5 (release_9.5-194-g7a6f48 @ /home/ubuntu/org-mode/lisp/)

P.S. ~/.cache directory should not be world-readable, so likely it is required to change umask or to explicitly specify permissions while creating it.

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