Hello Liu,

On Fri, 15 Oct 2021 at 19:49, Liu Hui <liuhui1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Org mode cannot display inline images because of an error caused by
> org-display-inline-image--width. It seems display-line-numbers-width
> is regarded as a number unconditionally.
> Recipe:
> 1. emacs -Q
> 2. Make the following settings:
>    (setq org-image-actual-width nil)
>    (setq org-startup-with-inline-images t)
> 3. Open some org-mode file containing image links, e.g.
>    #+attr_org: :width 50%
>    [[file:~/test.jpg]]


I was able to reproduce this with the latest main branch. It works fine with
attributes like this:

#+attr_org: :width 500px

And the 9.5 tag does not have this bug, so I think this might be related to
recent changes to image width. Adding Timothy to CC who worked on those

Bhavin Gandhi (bhavin192) | https://geeksocket.in

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