
Org mode cannot display inline images because of an error caused by
org-display-inline-image--width. It seems display-line-numbers-width
is regarded as a number unconditionally.


1. emacs -Q

2. Make the following settings:

   (setq org-image-actual-width nil)
   (setq org-startup-with-inline-images t)

3. Open some org-mode file containing image links, e.g.

   #+attr_org: :width 50%

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p nil)
  -(80 nil)
  (or (and (and (boundp 'visual-fill-column-mode) visual-fill-column-mode) (or 
visual-fill-column-width auto-fill-function)) (if auto-fill-function (progn 
fill-column)) (- (window-text-width) display-line-numbers-width))
  (/ (or (and (and (boundp 'visual-fill-column-mode) visual-fill-column-mode) 
(or visual-fill-column-width auto-fill-function)) (if auto-fill-function (progn 
fill-column)) (- (window-text-width) display-line-numbers-width)) (float 
  (* width (window-pixel-width) (/ (or (and (and (boundp 
'visual-fill-column-mode) visual-fill-column-mode) (or visual-fill-column-width 
auto-fill-function)) (if auto-fill-function (progn fill-column)) (- 
(window-text-width) display-line-numbers-width)) (float (window-total-width))))
  (round (* width (window-pixel-width) (/ (or (and (and (boundp 
'visual-fill-column-mode) visual-fill-column-mode) (or visual-fill-column-width 
auto-fill-function)) (if auto-fill-function (progn fill-column)) (- 
(window-text-width) display-line-numbers-width)) (float (window-total-width)))))
  (if (and (floatp width) (<= 0.0 width 2.0)) (round (* width 
(window-pixel-width) (/ (or (and (and (boundp ...) visual-fill-column-mode) (or 
visual-fill-column-width auto-fill-function)) (if auto-fill-function (progn 
fill-column)) (- (window-text-width) display-line-numbers-width)) (float 
(window-total-width))))) width)
  (let* ((case-fold-search t) (par (org-element-lineage link '(paragraph))) 
(attr-re "^[ \11]*#\\+attr_.*?: +.*?:width +\\(\\S-+\\)") (par-end 
(org-element-property :post-affiliated par)) (attr-width (if (and par (let 
((--mpom ...)) (save-excursion (if ... ...) (save-excursion ...)))) (progn 
(match-string 1)))) (attr-width-val (cond ((null attr-width) nil) 
((string-match-p "\\`[0-9.]+%" attr-width) (/ (string-to-number attr-width) 
100.0)) (t (string-to-number attr-width)))) (width (or attr-width-val (car 
org-image-actual-width)))) (if (and (floatp width) (<= 0.0 width 2.0)) (round 
(* width (window-pixel-width) (/ (or (and (and ... visual-fill-column-mode) (or 
visual-fill-column-width auto-fill-function)) (if auto-fill-function (progn 
fill-column)) (- (window-text-width) display-line-numbers-width)) (float 
(window-total-width))))) width))
  (cond ((eq org-image-actual-width t) nil) ((listp org-image-actual-width) 
(let* ((case-fold-search t) (par (org-element-lineage link '(paragraph))) 
(attr-re "^[ \11]*#\\+attr_.*?: +.*?:width +\\(\\S-+\\)") (par-end 
(org-element-property :post-affiliated par)) (attr-width (if (and par (let ... 
...)) (progn (match-string 1)))) (attr-width-val (cond ((null attr-width) nil) 
((string-match-p "\\`[0-9.]+%" attr-width) (/ ... 100.0)) (t (string-to-number 
attr-width)))) (width (or attr-width-val (car org-image-actual-width)))) (if 
(and (floatp width) (<= 0.0 width 2.0)) (round (* width (window-pixel-width) (/ 
(or ... ... ...) (float ...)))) width))) ((numberp org-image-actual-width) 
org-image-actual-width) (t nil))
  org-display-inline-image--width((link (:type "file" :path "~/test.jpg" 
:format bracket :raw-link "file:~/test.jpg" :application nil :search-option nil 
:begin 25 :end 51 :contents-begin nil :contents-end nil :post-blank 0 :parent 
(paragraph (:begin 2 :end 52 :contents-begin 25 :contents-end 52 :post-blank 0 
:post-affiliated 25 :attr_org (":width 50%") :parent nil)))))

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 28.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.20, 
cairo version 1.16.0)
 of 2021-09-22
Package: Org mode version 9.5 (release_9.5-108-g93132c @ /tmp/org-mode/lisp/)

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