Dear All,

On Tue, 12 Oct 2021 at 07:43, M. ‘quintus’ Gülker
<> wrote:

>     Das ist ein Test [cite:@saenger2013gsr § 12 Rn. 488].
> gives:
>     Saenger, Gesellschaftsrecht, 2. Aufl. (2013), §§ 12 Rn. 488
> This is a little confusing. Maybe an error on my part? Do I need to
> signal singular and plural use more explicitely?

No, it's citeproc-el which is supposed to determine whether the passed
locator string represents single vs multiple references, using § vs §§
shouldn't make a difference, because they simply signal that the label
is "section". Apparently, citeproc-el's classifier algorithm doesn't
handle some of your examples correctly -- could you open an issue
about this on the project page? Thanks in advance!

best wishes,

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